The Operation

The overwhelming urge to start a blog based solely on the excitement of my work. You’re probably reading this because you’ve heard me talk about this tattoo alchemy process online. It is a never-ending process in the way that it is cyclical in nature; every part of it. Sure, I’ve found a few helpful ways to put into a sentence or two the main essence of this work, but it is so much more than that.

A conceptual way to put it, tattoo alchemy is a highly intentional form of tattooing that involves the major energy channels of the body, intuitive practices, and correspondences. It is a way for you to further connect with your spirit adornment.

There are so many things I want to write about, and how they all pertain to this alchemical process; shadow work, grief, crossroads, what we want to give to this world, when to call on other people or guides, and when to focus on your own emotions and intellect. I want to write about ways to reconnect to others, both living and no longer. I want to explore how to transmute what burdens you into an ameliorating experience. The list goes on.

I will also be breaking down all of the modalities I use during the alchemy process, all of which have been used for thousands of years in other ways.

You may have heard of intuitive tattooing. This is a form of that. It also can be partially defined as energetic tattooing. And at its core, its transmutation through art. Intuitive tattooing is working directly from a psychic/channeler/tattooer, usually by means of divination (tarot or oracle reading, scrying, meditation, chanting). These messages from Source (or the universe, the Divine, however you like to word it) are then interpreted to help create the design concept. Energetic tattooing is typically used with placement on our bodies in a physiological sense, and what energies are carried in different parts of the body. You may be more familiar with this concept through acupuncture, acupressure, chakra balancing, and reiki, to name a few.

I am working with science, frequencies, spiritual and personal associations, emotional and energetic outputs, as well as the putative energies of the human body.

We will also talk about numerology, chakras, meridians, connecting to spirit guides, tarot, repetitive patterns, spellcasting, manifesting, releasing pain, and how to balance our past and present in our mind to gain better control of the present.

You can know as much or as little as you want before receiving these alchemy offerings, as I’m here to help facilitate the analytical process. I will also be sharing actual client examples, so you can see how this all comes together in action. Each process looks different from the next, and is exactly what it needs to be.

I have never seen such a vast difference in tattoo designs as I have since starting this process. People are really tapping into their authentic selves and is deeply rewarding.

Now that I had the opportunity to info dump an entire system of alchemy, I can’t wait to break it down little by little!


What an Alchemy Consult Looks Like