Building Habit

Sometimes building a new habit can be one of the hardest things to do. We are living in a time where we allot ourselves about 1.6 seconds to view something. Our minds are constantly buzzing as the world around us becomes a second stream of consciousness in its own way on top of our inner voice. Sometimes it feels like the only real way out of that is to completely disconnect, if only for a few moments. We are consuming nearly every moment of our waking lives.

It’s no wonder training yourself to do something new on a regular basis is so arduous. I, for one, have seen what that has done to my mental health. It feels like something so easy, so simple, as just choosing the words that come out of my mouth is nearly impossible at times. I can feel like I’m autopiloting during my luteal phase and am not as mindful because of it. I tend to resort back to negative language as part of my regular conversations with others and with myself.

If you haven't read my 2 previous posts about primal language and the power of words, now is a perfect time to do so! 

I found that, because of our fast-paced built habits, we often perpetuate guilt and shame on ourselves when we do not become masters of something immediately.

This blog isn’t a How-to guide to getting on track. In fact, this blog is not meant for the mundane of heart. Rather, this is your reminder that things take time.

Things take time,

Things take time,

Things take time. 

I found this link to be helpful because it has a section on embracing longer timelines. Longer being, away from the myth that we can master things within a month.

In order to vibrate higher, we must start with a solid foundation.




On Primal Language: Part 2